Proper Pruning Techniques In Northern Virginia
Proper pruning techniques are as important to the life and health of a plant as sunlight and water. An aspect of pruning that is often overlooked in the Northern Virginia area is timing - certain bushes and shrubs need to be cut at the right time, and if they aren't, serious damage can occur. Pruning something when it isn't supposed to be pruned is about the worst thing you can do to any plant.
Some aspects of pruning are simple - using the right tool to do your pruning (bypass pruner vs. loppers vs. chainsaw), making sure your tools are always sharp, and making sure you have a plan for what you are doing so that you don't prune the wrong branch or trim the wrong hedge. It would amaze you how often that last one is a problem for people!
Contact us now and find out what Hall's Landscaping can do for your Pruning!